1. What is your In-Game-Name? ThorOfAngels 2. What town are the protections in (Please state the name of the town and link the original town app)? Town Name: foresttown Town App: http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/forums/applications-mayors-town-features-president.23/create-thread 3. What world is this town located in? Rising 4. Are these locks in a PvP Zone? No. 5. Are you the mayor or co-mayor? I am the Co-Mayor 6. What are the co-ordinates of the protection: (DO NOT POST SCREENSHOTS, type them out please) X: -13026 Y: 72 Z: -1604 X: -13029 Y: 72 Z: -1074 X: -13030 Y: 72 Z: -1067 7. Whose protections are these? (Use /cinfo to find out): Jooxie 8. What kind of protections are these? (doors, chests, signs etc.): Protections include 1 double chest, 2 doors and one single chest. 9. How many protections are we removing?: 4 protections. 10. Is this user banned from the server? If not, have you tried to contact them about removing their things? Can you provide proof of this?: User has been offline for more than 7 days. According to town rules if you are gone for more than 7 days your items may be removed. User did not indicate any length of time gone. 11. Why do you want it gone/reasons?: The Mayor of the town would like to use the plot for another member that needs a home.
@ThorOfAngels Please link the original Town app please. The link you provided does not lead to that application. Also, the first set of coords needs to be corrected, it does not lead me to any LWC's
Corrections to application: Town Application: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/president-application.115478/#post-619198 First Coordinate Correction: X: -13027 Y: 72 Z: -1064 Must've been a case of stupid fingers. Sorry about that!
Corrections to application: Town Application: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/president-application.115478/#post-619198 First Coordinate Correction: X: -13027 Y: 72 Z: -1064 Must've been a case of stupid fingers. Sorry about that!