[LWC Removal]

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Staff Requests' started by Solarus_Harper, Sep 25, 2014.

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  1. Solarus_Harper

    Solarus_Harper Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 22, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. What is your In-Game-Name? Solarus_Harper

    2. What town are the protections in (Please state the name of the town and link the original town app)? Arden. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/town-mayor-application.63374/

    3. What world is this town located in? Legacy

    4. Are these locks in a PvP Zone? No

    5. Are you the mayor or co-mayor? Mayor

    6. What are the co-ordinates of the protection: (DO NOT POST SCREENSHOTS, type them out please)
    X:-10694 Y:94 Z:-911,

    X:-10694 Y:94 Z:-915

    X:-10699 Y:98: Z-911

    X:-10699 Y:94 Z:-910

    X:-10700 Y:94 Z:-910

    X:-10665 Y:95 Z:-905

    X:-10665 Y:94 Z:-905

    X:-10763 Y:94 Z:-909

    X:-10764 Y:94 Z:-909

    X:-10762 Y:94 Z:-912

    X:-10762 Y:95 Z:-913

    X:-10764 Y:94 Z:-913

    X:-10762 Y:95 Z:-910

    X:-10762 Y:94 Z:-910

    X:-10683 Y:95 Z:-907

    X:-10662 Y:101 Z:-911

    X:-10662 Y:101 Z:-910

    X:-10668 Y:96 Z-916

    7. Whose protections are these? (Use /cinfo to find out): Pauldersgate, xX1LoneWolfXx, slimshady0001, clorplad.

    8. What kind of protections are these? (doors, chests, signs etc.): Doors, chests, fencegates, furnaces.

    9. How many protections are we removing?: 18

    10. Is this user banned from the server? If not, have you tried to contact them about removing their things? Can you provide proof of this?: No, and i have not.

    11. Why do you want it gone/reasons?: All three of these users have not visited this town in ages. I need space in my town so i would like these items unlocked. When you do /seen for xx1lonewolfxx, clorplad, and slimshady0001 they don't even appear to have ever visited this server. Pauldersgate is an active member, but he has not visited the town at any recent point in time. For any questions please mail me on the server. Thanks!
    #1 Solarus_Harper, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  2. chanimeryl

    chanimeryl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 10, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I couldn't remove @pauldersgate 's locks as he has only been offline for 1 day and has not been given the required notice. Either wait until he has been inactive for 7 days, or issue him with a 3 day eviction notice. (Collect evidence of you doing so). Eviction notice can be along the lines of "Hi please can you remove your LWCs from<town name> by <time/date>" Etc
    Other than that...

    Locks removed
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