1. What is your In-Game-Name? Eandy1234 2. What town are the protections in (Please state the name of the town and link the original town app)? EmpireState http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/eandy1234-mayor-application.100601/3. What world is this town located in? Legacy 4. Are you the mayor or co-mayor? Co-Mayor 5. What are the co-ordinates of the protection: (DO NOT POST SCREENSHOTS, type them out please) X: -8886 Y: 63 Z: 7179 6. Whose protections are these? (Use /cinfo to find out): fritz41256 7. What kind of protections are these? (doors, chests, signs etc.): signs 8. How many protections are we removing?: 9 signs 9. Is this user banned from the server? If not, have you tried to contact them about removing their things? This user was evicted for inactivity. http://imgur.com/wKkfVwg . I filed an LWC http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/lwc-removal.101807/ . Then the user filed a complaint about me evicting him. http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/user-complaint-eandy1234.102083/#post-521405 @oreo1227 handled the complaint and dismissed it because no rules were broken. Then the user came to the town, I was offline as it happened and placed 9 signs on his property asking for his stuff back. I hadn't had a chance to remove him as a member yet. He locked the signs and now they are a bit of an eyesore in the town not to mention that i can't sell the plot if they're there. Regardless, the signs are locked and not even on the property that once was owned by fritz41256. 10. Why do you want it gone/reasons?: Going to resell plot. Can't do it with a bunch of signs in front of it.