1. What is your In-Game-Name? MINER_KAI 2. What is the co-ordinates of the protection: X:-8783,-8776,-8777,-8794,-8783,-8783,-8776,-8777,-8782,-8804,-8797,-8792 Y:83,83,83,83,78,77,71,71,70,70,71,71 Z:1495,1495,1502,1495,1501,1500,1500,1502,1501,1522,1526,1519 3. Whos protections are these? (Use /cinfo to find out): THECOLMAG, LUNARBOY 4. What kind of protections are these? (doors, chests, signs etc.): CHEST 5. Is this user banned from the server? Can you provide proof of this?: NO 6. Why do you want it gone/reasons?: HE HASN'T BEEN ONLINE FOR LYK MORE THAN 2 WEEKS
Re-post with a neat and clear coords, not with them all jumbled up. Its too much of a pain to read these and get the correct coords.