For those who are not familiar to the new donation feature "Landscaper", read this post first. newspage.php?news=27469 The new change basically means that you need to pay $30 to be able to buy WorldEdits for your town. It used to be free, but now it's $30. Yes, you can only buy it for your own town. Most towns with WorldEdits only have one, and the majority of the rest have less than four. Very few towns in EcoCityCraft have over four WorldEdits. So you'd basically be paying on average $50-70K for each WorldEdit if you are buying three to five WorldEdits for your town. Here's the math: $1=$3K Ecodollars, so this $30 donation feature=$90K Ecodollars. World Edits Cost: $30K+block cost So if you are doing 5 WorldEdits on your town, the WorldEdit cost will be around 160-200K, depending on what blocks you place. Then you need to add another $90K Ecodollars for the cost of Landscaper. The total cost of the five world Edits will be about 260K, which is around 50K per WorldEdit. And this price is only if you buy five WorldEdits. The price is higher if you plan on buying less. New Total Cost of the average price of a WorldEdit: 50K True, excavation crews take a bit longer than a WorldEdit, but you could hire an excavation crew to do the same exact thing and have money left over to hire dancers to entertain you while you're waiting. What I'm trying to say is, this whole WorldEdit thing is overpriced. Suggested Price: $15-$20
i mean really i no the server needs money but this is pushing it i have towns i need to work on no way in hell will i do it by hand if this doesn't change i think this will be it for me the server has just changed to much from when i started 1 year ago dont get me wrong there has been some really good changes but this no sorry.. at least let us do world cuts
I agree to some of that. Yes, it seems as though this feature was added purely for the purpose of getting money for the server. But think of it this way: all the money that gets donated to the server is spent on the server, meaning the server gets faster, cooler, and smoother. And before this feature was added, WorldEdits were actually a bit underpriced. This damaged the economy because so many people were buying WorldEdits instead of hiring Builders and workers who needed the money. I believe that Landscaper was a good idea, but it is just extremely overpriced.
the reason i choose world edits over builders is because most ppl help for 4 mins then leave and world edit prices could be increased.... Also when you have a town full of abandoned houses and lwcs it would take soo long to get every single lwc removed because they dont do whole town removals so there for you cant rebuild towns if you ever choose to. if it is a money issue i see many more ways the server could make money at least let us do world cuts world fills idc but cuts yes
That's why you pay your workers AFTER they work for you And I believe that you can apply for a whole town LWC removal if there are enough locked stuff to annoy you. It will probably take a SuperMod less than 30 minutes to clear the whole town of LWC's.
ive tried whole town lwc removals before they said no also using workers is much more annoying because it takes soo long and for people who just like to build i find this annoying and what if you have a ton of water under your town ?... or the only flat space is the water what do you do then take 4 months to fill it in?
I got my first town cleared for $15K. How? Hire a Resident/Broke Mayor to coordinate a land clearing operation. Give them 15-25K to hire people to clear your town, and they get to keep the rest of the money. It took me 3-4 days. While waiting, I used my spare money to hire dancers.
WorldEdits are a privilege. Lots of people started getting WorldEdits, therefore, andrew turned it into a donator service. This will not change.
Landscaper is NOT selling good (none of the recent donations were for Landscaper, one of the few times a new donation feature has not had a sale on its first day). And it's outvoted 5 to 1 at the moment.
That 1 being Kuke, Andrew, and probably all the staff. Its not worth arguing over (not saying you were, just saying where its heading), but I do have one suggestion. Make it so that Landscapers could somehow sell services.
To do that, you'd need to put a limit on the number of WorldEdits Landscapers can do. viewtopic.php?f=14&t=26188 As you can see, that has already been suggested and Andrew chose not to include it in the donation feature. And regarding the lowering of the price, why not? By reducing the price, an increased number of people will buy the feature, which will actually make MORE money than it is making now. Trust me on this. Just change the price down to $15 for a week and bring it back up to $30 for a week. See which week gets more profits.
This probably has less to do with getting more money for the server (it's quite the niche donation feature) and more to do with reducing Andrew's workload. While I'm sure he's not opposed to more donations, you can be equally sure that he'd be even happier if nobody ever buys Landscaper and he never has to do a worldedit again. In any case, this "feature" is absolute garbage. I understand that doing worldedits is a pain in the ass (especially given the current lack of a decent fly mod), but raising worldedit prices and then within days making it donation-only at an additional cost of $30 USD while adding absolutely zero advantage is going to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. This feature needs to include either a free or at least cheap worldedit once a month in order to even approach being worthwhile. Or as is suggested here, reduce the USD price of the feature itself. As it stands most will feel (and rightfully so) that they're paying for nothing. Of course if I am right and this donation is intended primarily to curtail worldedits as opposed to raising donations, Andrew can simply leave it as is. Few will buy it, he'll do a couple worldedits a week at most, his workload will be reduced, and the rest of us will lose an incredibly powerful and useful privilege we had come to rely on. (Not all worldedits are for clearing towns - how long would it have taken hired workers to clear the 25x180x65 [i.e., 300,000 blocks] hole I had cut for my farm? Or the three full 200x200 towns for Wolvie's pixel art museum? Impossible.)
If I may, perhaps keep andrew's server money high, keep his work load at a minimum, and make te donation feature useful. Make it so that you can apply for other people to get a world edit through your feature. The employer of the landscaper would post saying they approve of this application on the forums. Realistically there is no good solution. More landscapers means more possible workloads for AndrewKM, so lowering the price isn't a good idea. My idea has the same problem, it just makes the donation more like investigator. Removing it causes, again, a bigger workload. The current way it is, is the most effective way and best for AndrewKM. Besides, a world edit team seems like a cheaper and only less effective system.