Add a new Lotto Booster medal. This would be a forum medal that users can acquire via an application. The user must have a screenshot of purchasing all lotto boosters. Perhaps PM'ing the transaction ID to staff, or giving the evidence of the in game broadcast message after the purchase. It would be a nice addition and another reason for people to purchase boosters and support the server.
Yea I see that but I dont really think we need a lotto booster collector medal. Lotto boosters really serve as just a fun factor in lotto (and an element of surprise). Pets do serve as collectibles imo and well medals are bragging right for it. I just see that we dont really need more medals than what we got right now, and that global lotto boosters are just for the fun of it - nothing that should really get a medal.
I agree with 7am here, I really just don't see a point. We have a ton of medals already and this really just doesn't seem worth adding one.
Pet collector medals are for collecting all the pets, can't really collect lotto boosters so there's not much of a need.