Minecraft Name: Zothar Suggestion: Perhaps there should be a chance that instead of the lottery always being won by a ticket, and thus its buyer, selected at random, no winner is declared and the pot is kept for the next lottery round. Reason: This might encourage larger pots to happen more often if there is some chance that the lottery is not won and the pot continues to grow. If at the end of a lottery round, no winner is chosen and the pot size and number of players is announced, that might draw more participation for the next round, much as larger real-world lottery pots tend to if no one's chosen the winning numbers for a few rounds. I thought I'd offer this idea for a lottery change that might make things more interesting and that has nothing to do with "fair" since a random distribution is, well, random. Any Other Information: None other than this mechanism for lottery pots to grow similarly to how real-world pots sometimes grow and may have the corresponding rise in lottery participation. Link To This Plugin: I've not looked for a plugin for this. I assume that either the current lottery is an off-the-shelf plugin, in which case changes may not be that practical, or it may be custom code written by the EcoCityCraft developers.
When Andrew says lotto will never change, he honestly says it because every suggestion - except this one - is about making it more "fair." This would not change the fair factor. I think this suggestion is interesting, but I don't do much with the lotto in the first place. xD
i think andrew should use the one thing he did before were were when a tick is bought in the last 5min it goes back up to 5 min
This is the first lottery suggestion that I've ever seen that isn't about making it more 'fair'. Finally something about lottery that hasn't been suggested 5 billion times before. <3 Anyway, this is definitely an interesting idea and I like it. The problem would be getting the percent chance right to have someone not win, as well as coding it, as I don't think this exists in the code already.