I am here in search of support for getting my inventory back. When the server restarted last night, I logged in and teleported to the end... Underneath it... Falling into the void... I was able to snag this screenshot before I died: https://gyazo.com/2d29adc9f04c9bc4490d28824fb97b1f Here are the tools I lost: One Pickaxe and an axe: https://gyazo.com/e146185ce12434f0dd1e667fa98e5fc4 My shovel: https://gyazo.com/10040e00f4c8bb0ad57a1550be2f84f7 My other pickaxe: https://gyazo.com/7a1d88528aff357d9827a706965d44dd Thanks for the help! @andrewkm have mercy on my scrubby tools and broke account! Thanks!