INGAME NAME:advocaite DESCRIPTION k basicly i was setting up my trade signs for workers to farm pumpkins for me and well i made 2 with 5k in the signs worked perfect on making third one it took my money then poped off the wall and never returned it o_0 i dont know if this happens often is first time for me im sure there is logs that can see money taken 3 times and on third time sign coming back to inv with no money returned please fix this so i can get my 10k back EDIT: thought it may have been block issue so tried again with moving over a block same thing now ive lost 10k to sign bug HOW MANY TImES I TEST BUG :2 for total 10k lost here is screen of it takeing money me getting sign back and no money RE EDIT i didnt want to test 5k in sign again so tried 100 that worked so now sign is working but im still short 10k from poped off trade signs
You probably cannot be refunded. I've heard of an issue recently about signs popping out of the spot they are put in immediately. I think this has to do with that bug. However, I'm not sure what causes this bug, and it could very well be Minecraft itself, making it difficult to fix.
We are not responsible for lost money off trade signs. It states in the Residents+ section that it is very dangerous to store your money in trade signs. Try to avoid doing so to prevent this from happening again.
I don't think he is trying to store it, he is trying to use the trade sign for actually selling things and this happened instantly. There was no warning about that. Still, they aren't responsible. You probably won't get your money back.