Discussion in 'Help & Support / Errors & Bugs' started by hamdeu, Nov 30, 2020.

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  1. hamdeu

    hamdeu Builder
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    Sep 25, 2020
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  2. icondigi

    icondigi Mayor
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    Oct 3, 2012
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    Hi @hamdeu,

    Unfortunately the image you attempted to upload is not showing up correctly. So we can help you further, could you please upload your screenshot to a image sharing site such as Imgur or Gyazo and then post the link in your post.

    As well, if you could include a description of what the problem is the SA+ team will be able to help you a little further. In most cases when users lose tools, we recommend starting a forum PM with the ServerAdmins (iSneaky & FuryFudge) and include information about what has happened and the tool ID so they can try their best to help relocate and return the tool to you.

    If you have any questions about the process you can always reach out to a staff member and they can explain the steps and process via PM to ensure the process is smooth for you.

    All the best!
    #2 icondigi, Nov 30, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
  3. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    This tool was not lost due to Maintenance.
    No tools are ever lost due to maintenance. We haven't had a single case of this for several years.

    The user of this tool dropped it several minutes after maintenance.
    All of our logs confirm this and it is 100% user error.
    Many things could have caused this, including but not limited to carelessness, client mods, and more.
    [06:01:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiquidSafe] Player: o0SchnetzleR0o | 06ffc134-549a-4b32-9a94-28eaebfb91be dropped an Owned item. | ID: #KI0DRVX3 Item Unique ID at World: CraftWorld{name=mining_n}
    We cannot return tools due to user error.
    You must be responsible and not rent out tools to users who are not careful.
    We are sorry for your loss, however free tools cannot be generated unless they were caused due to a bug.
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    #3 andrewkm, Nov 30, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  4. hamdeu

    hamdeu Builder
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    Sep 25, 2020
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    You know as much as I do no it wasn't dropped by him .
    as someone who worked in the software development industry I know for sure such bugs exist but you just don't want to admit it .
    Claiming that no such bugs or cases for years is just so unrealistic .Just because you didn't admit it doesn't mean it doesn't exist .
    Further more claiming that it is 100% a user error without any evidence except a log line that you show without timestamp claiming it was dropped after the maintenance and attacking the user by saying it was Many things could have caused this, including but not limited to carelessness, client mods, and more while claiming that the server is immune to bugs is more than just funny .

    what is more funny is that I know for fact he never used mods because he loves vanilla , he have no bound drop key since he got the magic rod because he was scared that it got dropped and I did rent the rod many times .

    You are not sorry for the loss nor it is a free tool so don't act like it is a charity .

    The fact that your server crashed twice not just once is by itself an evidence of someone fucking up things .I know for sure some mods were trying to ban him in any way but I had no problem with anyone and never expected to be fucked up just because people want him banned .

    Have a nice day scamming people .
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    #4 hamdeu, Nov 30, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
  5. yandyyyy

    yandyyyy Builder
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    Apr 28, 2020
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    What makes you think mods wanted schnetzle banned? I don't believe anyone on the current staff team "wants him banned" and on the off chance one of them has something specifically against him, the only reason he would get banned is if he is breaking the rules or if you and him had a contract and YOU file a complaint against him. I consider schnetzle a friend and I think what happened with the sword is fucking tragic but jumping from one reason "your server bugged his inventory" to another "staff wanted him banned so they did this" really isn't a good look, especially considering the only staff that could actually do this are SA+, not mods....
  6. hamdeu

    hamdeu Builder
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    Sep 25, 2020
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    Well I said the server bugged and there is more than one proof of that but no andrew said 100% they had no such bugs for years .so the only ones who could possibly remove someone inventory are admins as you said so what prevents Andrew from doing that himself ?
    all I know is that someone fucked up and do not feel like admitting it.
  7. OConner1279

    OConner1279 President
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    Apr 10, 2020
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    We’ve had no bug reports of direct inventory wipes absent a rollback for a while, including during server crashes or maintenance. Furthermore, the incentive for andrewkm to lie about this is nonexistent, not even to mention the trouble it would generate to randomly wipe an inventory.
    Ultimately, your ownly claim is that there is a vast conspiracy against multiple players headed by andrewkm for no reason whatsoever, which sounds more like a transition between the first and second states of grief than any coherent claim.
    #7 OConner1279, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  8. Nicit6

    Nicit6 N6
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    Jul 13, 2013
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    He should get Sidney Powell to represent him, I hear this is up her alley.
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  9. hamdeu

    hamdeu Builder
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    Sep 25, 2020
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    Well Oconner let me break what you are saying and reply as you haven't read what I wrote in the beginning nor what Andrew wrote apparently.

    1- You will never have a bug report if you directly blame users for whatever your bugs cause would you ? what if this is not the first time but it is the first time someone cared to report it ? what if it is the first time nothing was done about it ? what if it is the first time this happened in case this never happened ?

    2- Andrew is the owner , that means he is responsible for his actions , his team actions and his server crash . That means it is in his interest to coverup whatever failure that happened or might happen at all .

    3-it was Andrew who started throwing accusation and acting in a provocative way and you can go to his reply or I can break it up to you down :

    A) This tool was not lost due to Maintenance.
    No tools are ever lost due to maintenance. We haven't had a single case of this for several years.

    First of all it was a crash not a maintenance and as I said before it might have been happened and been dealt with , covered up or even ignored .

    B1)The user of this tool dropped it several minutes after maintenance.
    All of our logs confirm this and it is 100% user error.
    Many things could have caused this, including but not limited to carelessness, client mods, and more.

    As I said before it was a crash , did you ever try grinding mobs ? it might take many attempts to login in the server , I got kicked many times because of such things and couldn't reconnect for up to 10 minutes but anyway he started throwing accusations on the user without a proof .

    B2)[LiquidSafe] Player: o0SchnetzleR0o | 06ffc134-549a-4b32-9a94-28eaebfb91be dropped an Owned item. | ID: #KI0DRVX3 Item Unique ID at World: CraftWorld{name=mining_n}

    he said that this log is a proof which is a copy paste of a text that might have been modified , or even logged wrong by the server .In addition to that it is missing the timestamp to prove that this happened after the crash and before the maintenance . ( Which they claim is a first maintenance )

    C)We cannot return tools due to user error.
    You must be responsible and not rent out tools to users who are not careful.
    We are sorry for your loss, however free tools cannot be generated unless they were caused due to a bug.

    This translates to we can but we won't unless you prove it is a server bug and therefore proves that the 100% user error is BS .

    Murphy's law states that "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" .
  10. WallaceWest

    WallaceWest Builder
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  11. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    There is no use keeping this thread open.
    It is filled with nonsensical misinformation. For one the server did not crash, it was properly stopped for a maintenance period. These are just useless conspiracies as if we have anything to gain by fucking over one of our players. The amount of nonsense and actual misinformation in this thread is actually brain damaging.
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    #11 andrewkm, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  12. iSneaky

    iSneaky This is a local server for local people
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Alright, as what has already been mentioned above, Andrew has given you the log entry of the tool dropping out of your inventory, I can 100% say that this tool was not lost because of a bug or the maintenance. Like andrew said, the tool was dropped AFTER, perhaps you sat down at your computer, then accidentally hit the drop key, how it happened I am unsure of but I can assure you that an event triggered from your side, caused you to drop the tool.

    This isn't about us being mean, I really do feel for your loss, it sucks, but you gotta remember unless we can replicate a bug, and it is the fault of the server, then we cannot be generating new tools willynilly.
    #12 iSneaky, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  13. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    By the way, here's the time stamp you've requested as well as coordinates (which I didn't want to leak in case they were private, but I feel like in this case the full entry should be shown).
    [06:01:10] [Server thread/INFO]: [LiquidSafe] Player: o0SchnetzleR0o | 06ffc134-549a-4b32-9a94-28eaebfb91be dropped an Owned item. | ID: #KI0DRVX3 Item Unique ID at World: CraftWorld{name=mining_n} X/Y/Z: -1941/21/-1689
    EcoCityCraft has several staff members who have access to these logs, and you accusing me of editing the entries to publicly display is literally non logical. Staff would never stand for that and would call me out instantly.

    TL;DR conspiracies are no good for anyone.
    #13 andrewkm, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  14. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    And finally, just to completely close off any maintenance related queries, the user was active and on the server for 1 minute and 21 seconds prior to dropping the tool. It had nothing to do with their actual login as well.

    User was grinding mobs with the tool, and by obvious mistake of some kind threw the tool into the mob grinder. He then could not recover it as their setup prevented entry.

    Time stamps and co-ordinates prove all of this without a doubt.

    User then obviously freaked out and proceeded to go wild blaming the server, and well, here we are.

    Log file edited to mask users real IP address for obvious reasons.
    [0:59:49] [Server thread/INFO]: o0ScnetzleR0o[/] logged in with entity id 359 at ([mining_n]-1940.300000011921, 21.5, -1688.6190886566674)
    @o0SchnetzleR0o please stop carrying this on in game and elsewhere. Own up to your mistake and work out a way to repay your friend for losing the tool.

    We will never generate free tools for anyone as this sets clear precedent for the future and for others.

    Case officially closed.
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    #14 andrewkm, Dec 1, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
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