A few of my magic items that I have boosted have the Lore/tags in different order and its triggering me. Depending on the order that you /own or /boost your magic item, its lore will be in different order. Pics of a few of my items that have the lore in different order: I suppose I would like to see the layout be similar to how the mythic tools are: Own Info Magic # Boost # Item Description
I think this is a product of this arrow being boosted before we fixed a bug or two regarding own and boost in September - before then it was all over the place. I see your arrow and nwart there was first boosted in August, the bug likely existed then and therefore the Boost is not consistent in location. If you have other tools where Boost is not sorting below all the lore - you can show them to me so I can check their original boost dates - I think its relevant to why the Boost placement isn't consistent. From my examination today - it doesn't matter if you Boost or Own the item first or even remove/trade the item via /own <user>, Boost sorts to below all the lore/magic enchants. I boosted/owned/traded 5 different arrows today and Boost all sorts to the bottom consistently.
Here is a full list of all of my boosted items. This includes the ones you have already checked above. Shovel - #LICH1JHA Netherwart - #LKT23MOC Wheat - #LM78JWM6 Tropical fish - #LMBC9R99 pufferfish - #KPC26VDG salmon - #KWLWTRLS cod - #LNRVLYGK arrow - #LJGQK0Y2 bone - #KL8MM3YR rotten flesh - #KMR0QNGR gunpowder - #KL8MM3CX leather - #KMR0QMT5
So is this issue only with old items prior to a few bug fixes we made? (If so, @ClarinetPhoenix can just regenerate them for you.) Or is this an ongoing problem that you can continuously reproduce? (Which would require fixing.) Please let me know. (@ClarinetPhoenix @BobbyBlack)
All the items that Bobby is showing where Boost is not sorting at the bottom were boosted before we fixed a few bugs. I am not able to re-create this issue and I do not believe it is an ongoing issue. @BobbyBlack If you want me to re-make these items for you so the boost sorts properly lmk, forum PM/Discord with coordinates to the items you want fixed will suffice.