Octane has 6 letters. 94 is a number. 94 has 2 digits. 6/2=3 What has three sides? Triangle! The Illuminati was supplying andrew with gas! Now let's investigate further. Andrewkm has 8 letters. ServerOwner has 11 letters. Adding up digits of 11: 1+1=2 8/2=4 Andrew is one. 4-1=3 Half-Life 3 confirmed! Andrewkm=Gaben!
Mmh, a different conspiracy theory then? Andrew has refilled the server with gas. The server is running on hamster power. Andrew refilled the hamster with gas. ECC is run by a hamster who once swallowed an engine. To specify, it is a hamster running on 2,2-Dimethylbutane as this is an alkane with 94 octane.