I'm considering hosting an ECC Nation Olympics. Basically each nation that wanted to enter could, but, no player may compete for multiple nations. It would have multiple categories and such, which I've already concluded on most of them. There would be a Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medal given out for each category. At the end, the nation with the most medals would win a title like ECC Champion Nation, or something. The real question here is, would people want to compete in this? Would anyone be willing to help fund it so we can make it a reality? Is it a good idea/bad idea etc. Please leave comments below.
I like the idea but I would sure need to know more details to decide if I would participate or not (if I had a nation, which being Mayor I don't, even though I have more than 1 town). I would definitely try to help in any way I can if needed revanrose6 . It's a very interesting project that I'd like to see become a reality.
I think it is a great idea. If you need any help just tell me and I would like to praticipate in something like that.
I actually thought of this back when I was a resident and have been building my presidential town around being able to host it. Let me know what you have in mind, maybe we could collaborate on it.
I'd love to help build it, as well as participate in it. I'd support you with money but i also have many large scale projects i need to do, each of them costing around 1 mill.
I think the minimum would be 3 people competing per nation although some events might require more. If you don't have enough people, you can't compete in those events.
ok, does this also include towns that a player bought residents mayor? (not officially your town according to application for it, but your town through purchase)
...Alright let me put it this way. All President+ may submit their nation for competing OR they may compete on behalf of another nation. Builders-Mayors may compete on behalf of other's nations. They do not need to be a member of your nation's town. That being said, each person may only compete on behalf of ONE nation.
I will be glad to take help. Atm I'm working on acquiring the town I'm going to use for the event and then from there I will be started on construction.