Greetings fellow citizens, I'm currently working on a really big & unique city together with Epicology and Jrent0 as Co-Mayors. We recently came too a conclussion that it's gonna be very expensive and every $ is welcome. For the top 5 donators we will be offering a by choice plot/house wich can be redeemed once the city is finished. The process of the city will depend on the help we will get in both donations / work. This is a general picture of the project that we are working on. (It'll be 150x150 - 200x200). If donations are made, please do so when I'm online so i can keep on track. ... 9,r:14,s:0 Edit: Over a short discussion, we have decided we will be adding a colloseum later for PvP purposes, furthur ideas about events and such are very welcome, we will start off with a standard ''gladiator fight for the title'' sort of thing. Prices included ofcourse! here's a general idea of the colosseum: ... ,r:40,s:45 I'll keep this thread updated every 1-7 days. Top 5 Donators: -------------------------------------- General Donators. Thanks, the Minas Tirith Crew!
Re: Looking for Donations for our big project. Plots for top So can only +[$] members be part of the town?
Re: Looking for Donations for our big project. Plots for top @Antonio: I would suggest not advertising on another person's thread. And there cannot be copying of a donation method. I've seen people do this for a long, long time. :b @OP/Sonido: If you are making a town like, I'd definitely be willing to donate whenever I see you online again. owo That would be awesome...
Re: Looking for Donations for our big project. Plots for top He means that every EcoDollar is appreciated
Re: Looking for Donations for our big project. Plots for top @ Antonion, If possible, please remove your post, I want this to stay OT and not a commercial board or w/e. @ Moofink: Our dedication for this town will at top notch and standards will be high, the town by itself will be very unique and every $ spent / donated on it will be worth it!