I do this quite often and I wonder if anyone else does it. Every time I log off, i take my set of tools, and my armor, and I put it in a locked chest. I mostly do this because I'm scared I'll have something happen and that I won't have access to ECC for a week+ This also means that I don't use enderchests, once again, 7 days = wiped clean. In the long run, this turns out to be a horrible pain because every time i log on i have to put all my tools back in my bar and put all my armor back on. So far, I've never had any problems where I've been away from ECC for more then a week. What about all of you? Ever do this? Ever lost stuff because you were away too long? Ever prevented this because you do it? Better safe then sorry i say.
I haven't been off ECC for over 48 hours once I became active. The stuff in my enderchest or on me is worth at least 100k... I haven't really had a problem yet, but for melon swords, I would recommend a locked chest
You never know lee...I wouldn't risk it. If you have an accident...irl injury, internet/power loss. I just couldn't feel safe risking all that
Bro, might wanna look here. Should save you some serious time: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/server-cleanup-policy-tos-agreement-changes.48044/
I think all that time saved by not locking everything up could be used to make more money than your stuff is worth. I normally log with only the tools I need on me. Max shovel, max pick, porkchops and armor. It won't kill me if I lost this.
Yeah, I don't have minechat per to my lack of a phone... I suppose if i did, I wouldn't feel so uneasy about logging off.
I don't do this because I know the chance of me not being able to access the server is low. Electricity goes out = phone using minechat. The electricity rarely goes out and we have solar panels. Fixed home internet = hotspot internet on phone Injury/sickness = If I'm sick enough I can't use my phone for over two weeks then I have more important things to worry about. If I knew I wouldn't be on for a while then I would do this.