I am currently having trouble logging in to the server. Unfortunately, every time I try to log in, it give me a random code followed by the phrase "Bad Packet ID 69". I do not know what this means, but it is preventing me from accessing ECC. If you know what it is, or how to fix it, please comment below. http://tinypic.com/r/nh10d2/5
Is your minecraft currently on 1.7.2? You will need 1.7.2 in order to play. To fix this, open up your minecraft launcher and hit edit profile. Go to "use version" and choose "release 1.7.2"
It seems to be a very popular bug, but is only happening to certain people. I found an article that hopefully will give you some information of what it is, but there seems to be no fix at the moment. https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-34947