Minecraft Username: RyanJF1 Brief Description: @rabidworm and @RockDassie saw me in the staff section. Instructions: I clicked a link Netsui mentioned me in. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 10+ times. Result: Seen in staff section. Expected Result: Not seen in staff section. Evidence: I don't have any. But some staff members can confirm.
Re: [Bug Report] Seen in the staff section? this can show players in the private sections is mayor+ can you see the actual hidden forums?
Re: [Bug Report] Seen in the staff section? Nope, I can't read anything. All I get is "You are not authorized to read this forum."
Re: [Bug Report] Seen in the staff section? That just means you are within the forum but as you do not have moderator you cannot view or edit I don't think it's a bug
Re: [Bug Report] Seen in the staff section? I thought that also. As long as I can't see it, then that's okay But if it is a bug, it might as well be fixed.