Minecraft Name: Grantcfo Suggestion: I think that we should have a spectate mode in hunger games Reason: When I die in an HG, I can only see text of who dies and how many tributes are left. There isn't any spectating! Also, if my friend, DeathHalt, and I are playing HG and one of us dies, then we can't see what me or him would be doing. Also this would be great for people that record YouTube videos and want to try to get the whole HG recorded, but they die and they end the video there. For example, I was playing HG and I died after 1 minute(I was recording). Then I started waiting, and the server shut down, and after 15 minutes of pausing, I ended it. Any Other Information: The Spectate mode should come with the plugin, it just needs to be enabled or whatever Link To This Plugin: You might already have it, cause of the fact that ECC already has a Hunger Games [plug-in]
This can give an unfair advantage to some players in SG. Say a group of friends are in a skype call, and one of them dies. The player that died and be a "guardian angel" to their friends and help them locate players and avoid players with kits and what not. So my vote is no, because of the unfair advantage it gives.
sorry Grantcfo, but im going to have to team with @chargers2471 on this one, that would make them be able to live longer. so i *thumbs down* this suggestion
People seem to have already said this, but spectating allow you to help other players, which is incredibly unfair. so -1
well....lemme see if I could come up with something......something to fix the guardian angel problem..
can you guys think of a way to fix the guardian angel thing? Please reply! I'll give credit to you if it seems that it could work...but I doubt that it would be possible to fix....
I know but Im just trying to defend my position here. Why dont you try coming up with a way to fix it? It's hard