Minecraft Name: sprayware Suggestion: add <imgmap> bbcode to forums Reason: Signatures are too limited in both character limit and size limit. Any Other Information: bbcode part: Code: [imgmap]{TEXT}[/imgmap] HTML part: Code: <img src="{TEXT}" alt="" ismap="ismap" /> Link To This Plugin: N/A
No seriously http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp This is an imagemap, and it's a whole lot more complicated. The ismap attribute is simple something that has to be within <a></a> and it only sends the coordinates of the click to the server, I don't see how this is useful.
The size of the signatures are too limited so with this we could have a single img in our signature linking to several areas using only the img link and the imap link. I can also easily create a tutorial to show other how they can do it themselves as well...if implemented.