IGN: @hickeyo Users Involved in this Contract: @Reverse_ice18 Terms of the Contract: I will transfer $35000 to @Reverse_ice18 within 24 hours of this contract's approval. I will create a MAIN chestshop at coordinates in server as an alternative payback method: 14278:100:-11241 (warp mt_olympus) @Reverse_ice18 will transfer amount $41,000 to @hickeyo by March 31st after receiving the money. Amount ECD of late fees will be applied for every day past the due date --> $1,000 Late fees will cap after 10 days, at which point a complaint may be filed. I agree to the terms listed above: Hickeyo
Looks legit Remember to take timestamped screenshots of any and all transactions by double tapping F2. Contract Approved!