Linear Town Prices!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RyanJF1, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. RyanJF1

    RyanJF1 Builder
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    Jul 1, 2012
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    With the recent map expansion, I think the price of towns should lower. The reason that the price of towns went up was because we were running out of room to place our towns. See the thread here.With the new map, we have 4x as much space than before.

    Since the server is growing so fast, more and more people have goals that they would like to achieve. Their goals seem to be getting bigger and bigger each day. The only problem is, it's way too expensive. For a simple 600x600 town (WeLikeIke22's goal) it would cost you over 3.2 million dollars. This, for most users, is close to impossible. If the prices were lowered, then people would have a higher motivation to reach their goal of owning large areas of land.

    The first thing that comes to your mind when I talk about lowering town prices is probably the fact that prices should -not- be lowered during this time of exponential growth of the economy. To make up for that, you could charge ~250k per each town. This would make the total cost for owning 16 towns (assuming that you are a president with 2 towns already) 3.5 million dollars. This is very cheap compared to owning all 16 towns (assuming that you are a president with 2 towns already) at about over 11.2 million dollars. This amount for owning all of the given towns is too much money in my opinion. 3.5 million for 16 towns sounds... somewhat right in the fact that these large goals are closer to reach.

    Another way thing that you may argue about is buying mayorship for residents in exchange for their town. You would tell them where to put it, and pay them the 85k for the application. This is a good idea but it involves the risk of the original owner becoming inactive and not being able to place an application in for a town-specific feature. This could be heal signs, portals, and PVP arenas. This can make the value of the town decrease and prevent you from doing exactly what you would like to do with your town.

    These cheap and linear town prices would encourage more users to pay for their own towns simply due to the fact that they will be able to put in their own applications for their own town. In my mind, more town feature applications will be placed in, thus making up for the drop in price.

    Thanks for reading, please discuss below.
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    #1 RyanJF1, Nov 16, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
  2. rosypolly

    rosypolly Builder
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    Feb 17, 2012
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    After doing some math, I have found that ECC can fit around 20,000 more towns (The exact number I got was 21,262, but that doen't factor in a lot of stuff ) to the now current map size. So yea I agree we probally could lower prices and be just fine with amount of open land. At current rate ECC won't fill up till 2027.
  3. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
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    Apr 16, 2011
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    I think the thread you linked (about town price increase) was more due to... Well, the more users you have, the more money in the economy. The more money, the more towns. I do not think it was because land was running out... xD

    Though, I do like this suggestion. Even with more users and more money floating around, the total cost to own all towns seems a bit high. At least, from my point of view, it seems high because it is completely ignoring the fact that putting things /in/ the town/building the town can already be a fortune in itself.
  4. harkink

    harkink Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    I myself want a 600x600 town to make an epic replica of Rome. But you don't have to buy 9 towns, as I can buy 4 of them in the corners which would protect the open spaces in between as other mayors need permission to take those spots then and obviously I ain't going to grant that. Then I work together with a real life friend so we only need 2 towns per person in order to secure a 600x600 spot. Ofcourse it'd take quite a while to buy the remaining 5 towns, but I think it's fair that the prices go up in accordance with the amount of towns. The more towns you have, the more income you should have and thus the more you can and should pay for another town. At the moment however, the prices aren't raised properly. To buy your first town you pay 85000, but to get a second town you suddenly pay 180000 (including title) which is a raise of 95000! Then for the third town the price raises with a whopping 80000 dollar! But for the fourth town it suddenly drops to a raise of 50000. After that it drops even further resulting in a constant raise of 10000 per town.

    I suggest we keep a constant raise of 10000. Which would result in the following prices:
    85000 for the first town
    95000 for the second town (NOT including the president title)
    115000 for the third town
    145000 for the fourth town
    185000 for the fifth town
    235000 for the sixth town
    295000 for the seventh town
    365000 for the eight town
    445000 for the ninth town
    535000 for the tenth town
    635000 for the eleventh town
    745000 for the twelfth town
    865000 for the thirtheenth town
    995000 for the fourtheenth town
    1035000 for the fifteenth town
    1185000 for the sixtheenth town

    The prices would be a bit lower and the anomaly in the 2nd, 3th and 4th town would be gone, making it easier to get yourself another town or two. Keep in mind that having 16 towns is A LOT and it shouldn't be easy to reach. It should be like the ultimate goal.

    Having a constant price of 250000 would make it a lot harder for mayors/starting presidents to grow but would make it too easy for well developed presidents to grow ever larger. In my opinion we should keep the raise per town, although without the anomaly in the first 4 towns.
    #4 harkink, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  5. Cschuck320

    Cschuck320 Builder
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    Nov 5, 2012
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    I agree totally. With the supply of towns now increasing 4x and the demand staying the same, I believe that in a truly competitive economic market, the price should decrease pretty drastically.
  6. rosypolly

    rosypolly Builder
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    Feb 17, 2012
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    He speaks the truth. Demand for towns has only gone up around like .30 towns a day sense June.
  7. Magicware

    Magicware Legend Sportsbookie
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    Jun 26, 2012
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