Does anyone else think the limit to how many chunks you can load at one time on the server should be removed within sg? I think it would be much more advantageous. It would speed up the running around looking for people phase in hg. Perhaps it could only be implemented within hg to reduce lag. NOTE: I will post some pics from ecc to compare the limits this server applies to a different dedicated survival games server without the limitation. Here is a pic from "another" hg server. Here is another, notice how far away I can see the other players. Keep in mind I am elevated in quite a bit in all of these pics.
Might wanna put this as a suggestion thread and Im sure it will be moved there soon. Couldn't hurt to add a little more detail too.
Voted yes, but it most likely won't happen. With 300+ users online, having a large amount of extra chunks loaded will just cause more lag, especially with the amount of farms we have.
It is possible to change the view distance per world, so it is possible to do this without causing a lot of unnecessary lag.
The server is currently set on the minimum view distance of 3. Increasing it to the default would be impractical and would create a heap of lag, especially with lot of player online. A small increase to 4 or 5 would make a massive difference in terms of how far you can see and shouldn't affect lag too much. +1
-1. People can already view up to the maximum distance that a non-modded client allows, which is fine - if this wasn't far enough then it would be increased by Mojang.
As myminecrafter01 said above, it is "set on the minimum view distance of 3" in the server config file.