Okay, so I need to learn Labview, but self-taught. Does anyone out there that KNOWS what labview is, know a good online source to learn it from ~Monkeyz505
It's a language for engineers developed about 30 years ago. It really depends on the application of the language if you plan to learn it. Also... why are you using labview? it's an 1000 USD software xD If it's for FIRST, I recommend looking at FRC/FTC/FLL youtube videos (They're quite helpful) also, I believe that in the top left, there's a help button that has example programs. Use these to learn it If not... There's not really much you can do with it besides electrical and robotics applications. If you really want to learn it and get it for free, I recommend looking towards a school robotics team that gets the software for free and learning from the programmers that use it, but it's really hard to find people that appreciate it and use it to its fullest. I really recommend you try online videos that people post though.
Are you on a FTC team by any chance? I'm no programmer, but I know that is what we use for programming. Its free for FIRST teams I think. Sorry I don't know more about it, but I like connecting with others involved in the FIRST competitions.
This thread, as a whole, goes so far over my head that I cannot even hear a distant *Whoosh* of air xD
This'll be my first official programming language, so I'm really excited to learn it. But learning spanish at the same time doesn't help the confusion...
Well, youtube videos, NI forums, and the example programs in labview should help out a lot with learning it. If this is your first language, you may want to go over programming essentials so you will know what all the tiles and wiring does. I recommend starting up a chiefdelphi account or using NI forums though, they can solve every problem with labview.