So recently I've been deleting some snapshots from my minecraft folder and I found some snapshots of Kukelekuuk00 as the "Cactus God"... Kukelekuuk00 is the "Cactus God". All hail the "Cactus God"!
Wait, what? You've been here since like, June 1st of this year according to the forums. Where did you get screenshots this old? I can tell these are real screenshots, too. Only an old user would know who LilWilly and Nyrd and the others are. Anyway - I'm really curious who was behind the account "Nyrd" at that time, because three different people have used that account on this server before. lol. Whoever it was, it wasn't a sibling of Kuke's like the screenshot suggests. I am really bad at staying on topic. xD All hail the cactus gods! They give out free items! Oh, I miss those days when the cactus gods at spawn would give out items...And just the old spawn period. Oh how open and green it was. <3. I also miss when Andrew's name was orange. I'm still not on topic. >.>
What Kuke was a resident?! I always thought he just skipped to pres. If i tried, i could dig up pics as sitomo as just a pres, aggerpakker as a mayor, liam as a mayor, nothing much.