I think that there should be kits for builders, residents, mayor, and president. The kits would be for builder is the same /kit starter , the residents is /kit resident the mayors is /kit mayor and presidents /kit president The resident tools would be stone/iron mayor tools would be iron/diamond presidents tools would be diamond tools or chainmail armor hope this works so more people may stay for the differ kits
chainmail armor? Are you serious? And diamond tools, are you serious? That just kills the economy, one kit at a time.
Although I do agree with the idea of more kits, I do not agree with your kit ideas, as rezonl stated above Chainmail is 20k for a full set, You could earn over 15k by just typing a simple command, then selling the chainmail below its regular price, so people would buy the chainmail from you and not from the server store. Chain mail, gold and diamond is a definite NO
You could technically make kits with items that are already sold in the server shop... /kit flowers, you get 64 Roses and 64 Yellow Flowers, for the price at the store. Assuming you can put prices on kits, at least. Could be a Resident+ thing, or Mayor+... And doesn't have to be flowers. Could be any cheaper block/item, and would just be a faster way to buy things. It can also have a short time limit, so you'd still be encouraged to go to spawn. Sometimes you quickly need items, though. -shrugs-