-=$$=- Kimigaya Shop Thread -=$$=-

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Towns/Nations & Evictions.' started by Monkeyz505, Jul 29, 2014.

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  1. Monkeyz505

    Monkeyz505 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Kimigaya Shops!

    The Kimigaya shops are 4 different shops that are located at the 4 corners of the town. They are 19x19, and have a height limit of 10. There are some rules concerning these shops.

    • There are no basements to be made by the tenant. There is, however, a place for storage that is the same space as your shop. Note the key word in that sentence, storage. If you have your shop continue down there, you will be kicked with a 3 day notice. (If you have a plot in the town, you will have 5 days to clear your plot(s) and you are kicked from the town.)

    • The spruce leaves are allowed to be broken, but you are not allowed to remove the glowstone or signs. If I happen to make a typo on your signs, feel free to pm me and I will fix it.

    • If you are caught trying to scam anything with your shops, you will be banned from any and all town run by me unless you forum pm me your apology/appeal and pay your fine. I need to know that you are ready to some back before letting you come back.

    • No water, lava, or working redstone. Just.. no. I'm trying to keep the town as lag-free as possible, for those players who have a slower computer.

    • Shops must have a minimum of 10 trade signs. I don't expect this to be a problem, but just in case.
    • You must read over and agree to all of the town rules found here.

    The shop rent cost is $2,000 for the first week, and $1,000 for each other week. (i.e. You purchase 2 weeks, that would be $3,000). If you would like to apply for a shop, please apply with the following application:

    How many weeks are you applying for?:
    Do you agree to the town rules?:
    Do you agree to the shop rules?:
    Even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your post for 1-2 days?:
    If you feel like your shop is successful, and would like to add time to the amount of time you have left, please apply with the following format.
    Current plot number?:
    How long are you extending the time for?:
    Even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your post for 1-2 days?:
    I will provide one (1) free lift sign for any person that does not have access to the feature, and you have access to all of the features given with the town. I hope to see you soon!


    Current Shop Owners and Time Remaining.

    Plot One: Monkeyz505
    Time Remaining: Infinite

    Plot Two:
    Time Remaining:

    Plot Three:
    Time Remaining:

    Plot Four:
    Time Remaining:

    Kimigaya also offers 4 statues to be rented out, for $1,500 ECD per month. (The price may change) You are given a 17x17 plot in one of the four back corners of the town. Either you can build it, or you can pay $5,000 ECD for the month for me to build it. Once the time is up, you will have 3 days to tear it down or renew your plot. If, after the 3 days your plot has not been cleared/renewed, I will tear it down and remove your perms.

    If you would like to apply for a statue plot, apply with the following:
    How long are you renting this plot for?:
    Am I building it or are you?:
    Do you agree to the town rules?
    Even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days. Do you understand this?:

    #1 Monkeyz505, Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
  2. Monkeyz505

    Monkeyz505 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Staff please lock, thread is obsolete
  3. Canadian_Apple

    Canadian_Apple Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Dec 2, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Locked on request.
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