Kimigaya Welcome to the official thread of Kimigaya, my pride and joy! This thread is for the applications for plots and to choose the Co-Mayors! If you are looking to buy a plot, please read through the rules, and apply with the proper format. If you are a person that buys plots for shops, please visit Section 1 – Chat No excessive swearing Foreign languages are allowed, but please speak English if asked. No rude comments All ECC Chat Rules still apply. (See here) Section 2 – Plots No houses built out of dirt/gravel/sand/red sand/cobble No pixel art No shops Payment signs and storage signs are allowed. Height limit: 50 blocks tall Remember – Stealing crops counts as grief! So don't do it! The spruce leaves can be removed, but the glowstone/signs will not be removed. If there is a typo on your signs, pm me and I will fix it. Please inform a co-mayor if you will be gone for 14+days. If you do not inform anyone, you will have your plot cleared. All ECC Building Rules still apply. (See here) Section 3 – Grief/Harassment Don't grief This includes stealing crops Do not insult/make accusations/disrespect anyone in the town at anytime. Pretty self-explanatory thing. All ECC Grief/Harassment Rules still apply. (See here) Section 4 – Statues The plots for your statue are for just that – your statue The statue must stay within the parameters given. All ECC Building Rules still apply. (See here) Section 5 – Co-mayors Co-mayors are to be a prime example of the rules. The punishment system for co-mayors is slightly different than the regular system. Instance 1: Same Instance 2: Warning, taken care of by Monkeyz505. The offending item(s) will be LWC Removed/Torn down by Monkeyz505/2nd warning for chat-based problems. Instance 3: Removed from co-mayors and unable to apply for a co-mayor position for 4 months. In Severe Cases: Your fate is completely up to Monkeyz505 For Any Instances of Grief that is Deemed Moderate+ by the Staff: Good-bye. You're gone. For good. No coming back, not even as a town member. Punishment System Instance One: Warning. Ask user to remove offending item(s)/stop what they are doing. Instance Two: Warning, taken care of by Mayors. The offending item(s) will be LWC Removed/Torn down by Monkeyz505/2nd warning for chat-based problems. Instance Three: Kicked from town. If you would like to rejoin the town, please forum pm Monkeyz505 and we will deal with things further. The user will be given 3 days to remove all items from the town, and will be kicked from town. Instance Four: These are for people who have been kicked from the town and have re-joined, and done the same thing that got them kicked out in the first place. You have betrayed my trust, and are not allowed back into that town. You are simply banned from the town, and a User Complaint may be filed against you. There is no chance for getting back in that town. In Severe Cases: Your fate is completely up to Monkeyz505 For Any Instances of Grief that is Deemed Moderate+ by the Staff: Good-bye. You're gone. Even if you appeal to the server you will not be allowed into another town unless you are given permission by Monkeyz505, and Monkeyz505 only. If you would like to buy a plot, please reply with this format: Spoiler: Plot App Code: IGN: What is the size of the plot you want?: Do you have the required funds?: Do you agree to the town rules?: Do you understand that even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days?: Plot sizes and prices are as followed: 10x10: $1,000 15x15: $1,500 20x20: $2,500 If you would like to apply to be a Co-mayor, please reply with this format when the applications are open. Applications are [OPEN] [CLOSED] Spoiler: Co-mayor App Code: IGN: Ranks: What experience do you have as a co-mayor, who can I contact for a reference?: Do you have the required funds of $10,000?: Do you agree to the town rules?: Do you understand that even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days?: I can't wait to see this town full of people, and expanding for even more people in the future! See you soon! Spoiler: Current Members TheBuckeye11 TheSpotDog monkeyBUTT244 yerrington BananaMaster300
Can I ask for a Staff member to change the title to: [-=-] Kimigaya Main Thread [-=-] And delete my past 3 bumps?
IGN: TheBuckeye11 What section is the plot you want in?: Don't really care What is the size of the plot you want?: 15x15 Do you have the required funds?: Yus Do you agree to the town rules?: Defiantly Do you understand that even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days?: yes
What section is the plot you want in?oesnt matter What is the size of the plot you want?:15x15 Do you have the required funds?:Yes Do you agree to the town rules?:yES Do you understand that even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days?:Yes
@Hipster39, because of your grief in the town, you are kicked from the town. There is little chance of you ever getting back into any town I have in the future. I suggest you not ever grief in another town.
IGN: What is the size of the plot you want?: 10x10 Do you have the required funds?: yes Do you agree to the town rules?: yes Do you understand that even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days?: yes
IGN: monkeyBUTT244 What is the size of the plot you want?: 20x20 or anything bigger Do you have the required funds?: I should Do you agree to the town rules?: yes Do you understand that even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days?: yes
The Co-Mayor Apps are open!! I'm looking for one person to be the co-mayor of Kimigaya. There's 56 plots, and only 3 of which have been bought. I ask for a simple 10k fee, which can be easily made back from selling the plots if you advertise well. Requirements Resident+ Whenever selling a plot, they must come to this page (link is in the main thread) and post a plot application Must know how to properly file a complaint/gather evidence. You must put 1/4 of plot sales into a sign. It's all pretty simple, guys! just fill out the application, and you might be the first co-mayor of the town!
IGN: Yokeby52 Ranks: President $$$$ Survivor What experience do you have as a co-mayor, who can I contact for a reference?: ii have experience as my own co-mayor.. you might be able to try and contect @jal814,but I believe he has gone inactive Do you have the required funds of $10,000?: I should, if not I can easily make it in an hour Do you agree to the town rules?: yes, I have read through all the rules/guidelines. Do you understand that even though I stalk the forums, I may not see your application for 1-2 days?: yep. I understand (I stalk the forums too )
Ign AbhinavA Ranks Resident getting mayor very soon No experience as co mayor but am owner of a loan business run by me ans solstice18 Yes Yes i stalk forums too lol