Minecraft Username: CammyBunny Brief Description: Under certain circumstances, typing on skyblock appears to constantly activate the autofill, and causes the server to kick you for spam. This appears to only be happening on skyblock, but it is quite annoying since sending anything longer than a very short /tell kicks you. Instructions: Have any command typed out (in the video I'm using /tell) and continue typing. The autofill is constantly getting activated much more quickly than it should be and it causes the server to kick you for spamming. This doesn't happen when typing in chat normally, your chat needs to turn blue to indicate that the autofill is working. How many times did you recreate this?: 5-6 Result: Getting kicked for spamming Expected Result: Allowed to finish typing the message without getting kicked Evidence:
Mum I'm famous \o/ Same here, only if I'm using a command so even /ch qm g would kick me for spamming along with /msg.
Yeah, I've confirmed this is still happening with various commands, even "fake" commands, as long as it turns blue and thinks you're using a command. Typing speed seems to be the deciding factor between a kick and not a kick, if I input lots of characters quickly it kicks, if I c/p something over and over again, which slows me down due to hotkey combos it doesn't kick me then.