I was in a so match on arena 4 earlier , and I saw a player, so I went over to kill him. I hit him a few times and then appeared instantaneously ported for the death match. I was then kicked with the message:" kicked for flying or related". When I logged back on I found the match over and I was robbed of my kill. I didn't 't break any rules. Can someone tell me what happened please.
"Kicked for flying" is an automatic thing by the server. That said, I've heard of this happening with others, it appears to be a bug within sg. Does this bug report sound like what's been happening to you?
The same thing happened to me. I went through a portal to spawn from a town, so I was in the town portal area, and suddenly I was kicked - same error message popped up... I can't fly, so I don't know how I was kicked for flying... I have no donation features. XD I want to confirm this as a bug, though not just in sg or whatever - it happened to me in Spawn (I didn't lose anything due to it, so I just forgot about it, then I saw this, and thought "hey, that happened to me!").
It seems to be a lag related bug. Sometimes it happens after crashing a boat or lagging through blocks. Happens to a lot of people for different reasons.
You might be right, cause I'm pretty sure I was lagging as I came through that portal, and then was kicked. I lag quite often when walking through portals from a town to the spawn area.
its not a bug actually, its most likely due to your internet speed, i used to play on here with Satellite internet, from the server list showed 5,000+ ms latency(surprised i could play at all!) i would get kicked for flying message a lot! but it was due to my high ping, using ladders, boats, even going down a water fall would sometimes cause me to be kicked for flying. I've got faster internet now(1-20 ms ping) and sometimes when there's a lag spike because of the 3 computers we run in the house, i will get kicked for flying because of the time it took my computer to talk to server(ping!) during the lag spike Hope This Helps!
I have a feeling Ninja is right... at times, our internet runs slowly... and Australian internet in general is quite slow.