I've lost alot in the past and Learned alot So my recovery of Loss is starting here, Donations are accepted Just PM ME in-game Or just Straight out Pay me, I'll add your name to the Donator's list . GOALS: I figured out what i wanted, And i realized its about $655 USD So, My goal is: ALL FEATURES: 0% Complete. EST. $3,000,000 Melon sword: 100% Complete. EST. $400,000 Teleport: 0% Complete. EST. $100,000 Multihome: 0% Complete. EST. $75,000 Multihome+: 0% Complete. EST. $75,000 All of the Remaining will be in USD: $650 All of the Remaining will be in ECCD: $3,250,000 Last Updated : May 6th 9:26 PST 2013 ***DONATOR LIST*** Donators: seawiiplay = $200
No sir, Im working as hard as i can for it. Thanks sick24 I think its gonna be hard but i think i can do it.
You should mention that in your first post. The only way you talk about how you're getting the money is when you mention donations.
Jjustin, I wish you luck as you have wished me in your goals. As for working for goals, it is not begging to state that a person will be working towards tremendous goals and is okay with people donating. I feel it is just a way of saying "I intend to work hard but, I won't turn down help."
I know multihome is in all features but i'm getting it before all features to make things easier as well as TP