the user called j1e2t3 should be banned because he goes around giving jobs for 1000 and ends up killing you in the pvp area then he found my house and griefed it i found him in the server and asked for all my things and he woundnt give it back i know a few other people who he stole from he even tried the same trick on iyup who i happend to warn so he didnt go through with the job thats why he is a menace to ecocitycraft socity and schould be banned unless action is taken i will probley end up quiting the server i have been griefed before but before now i never caught the griefer before now and action must be taken i had a full inventory but please refund my 58 redstone and my complete iron armour and 64 bars but as long as he gets banned that schould be fine THANKS gotspade