Currently, there is an LWC issue from a recent update: -When you lock a double chest from 1 side of the chest, it will only lock that half of the chest (as double chests take up 2 blocks.) -If you don't make sure both sides of the chest are locked, someone could open your chest from the unlocked half and take stuff from both sides. BE CAREFUL. -If someone places a chest next to a locked single chest, the lock does transfer over as normal as far as we've tested, so don't worry about people exploiting your single chests with this exploit. Please make absolute sure that both sides of your double chests are locked, as we still do not have any rules against taking from unlocked chests, and we are looking into a proper fix.
<3 pbrassat17 Nice job sky I alerted hidendra right away on both of his email accounts about 20-30 mins ago. just thought you might want to know
Will this affect chests that have already been placed? *tries to log on to minecraft to check* oh lol nvm
I have been told that this only takes effect on anything placed after the update (which was apparently applied this morning). Old chests should be okay, but I personally suggest double-checking them, if you are worried.
Why you tag me! Also, This issue only occurs with chests made after the last update for lwc, this was either Today, or yesterday as far as I know. Double check all your chests, or only use single chests as it does not effect those (As far as my testing has gone).
Few questions... How did this happen? Plug-in update or some random new glitch? Old chests aren't effected? Does it take two locks to lock a new doublechest? When exactly did this start happening? Any ETA? Does this only effect normal locked chests? What about donation chests or public chests?
Plugin update most likely. Old chests are fine. Yes, lock both sides. I personally have no idea. No, but JamieSinn made a pull request that fixes it. I think.. I just checked. Donation and public chests seem fine.