Hai guys! I have been working on making these beautiful pastures for my horsies and for Joliver1998's horsies. I have two horses as of now but I have an addiction and the money to buy more. Trying to resist that insane urge. The horse in the pictures is Cocoa and my other horse is Sawks.<3 ~*Important Part*~ My duty to the stables is to make the most beautiful pastures EVAR and I intend to do that. (zardgyer) and guess who broke my heart and told me that it looked out of place! That guy!</3 So I wanted your guys' opinions of whether or not it looks good. So tell me! IF YOU WERE A HORSE WHAT WOULD YOU THINK? ^-^
I think this is a good idea, but maybe needs a little more context to fit in. For instance, if you could get it to look like a natural spring, that would be awesome!
It is jus an area for people to ride. There isn't anyone who doesn't have a horse here around. :] Great caution is taken while riding cuz there are so many thieves..
I would consider changing the cobblestone to some other material such as stone for a more natural look
I think you should make it into a little creek that runs the length of the pasture and then have one or two little wooden bridges connecting the two parts. It does seem just kind of "out there".
Looks awkward in shape, might be better to round it out more or make it a bit different shape, also, different block like stone would look better too
Concept is nice, design choices could be a bit better. I agree with people on something other than cobble; but I was thinking of a mixture between mossy cobble, smooth stone, cobble, and maybe even a little cracked and mossy stone bricks. Maybe a plant or two growing beside/nearby, as well. (Carrot! It is a place of happiness for horses, right?)