Minecraft Username: curtis1998 Brief Description: someone griefed my melon farm and took a entire row of stems and glowstone but when i scan the blocks with investigator it comes up with no results found... i understand the logbook clears every week but it has not cleared for other blocks in the farm that are not griefed Instructions: scan the damaged parts of my farm and get no results found but scan the normal part for results How many times did you recreate this bug?: until my fingers hurt from right clikcing Result: no results found Expected Result: name of griefer Evidence: screenshot showing that there is block history in the rest of the farm so its not logbook clearing here is the actual damage that has not been recorded in the logbook
it cant be its only the damaged blocks that have been cleared it has happened before with ladders in my farm disappearing ... every 2 hours ladders would disappear and investigator told me nothing had changed ... if that's the case then logs must clear 2 times a day also same thing with a town near my town .... just got grieved and i cant get any information from there either (about 2 days old) and that was done a day before my grief happened either someone has learned to bypass the logbooks or there is a glitch/bug with it :|
Poke me ingame sometimes so I can investigate the thing with the ladders, but the farm itself was just not found because the logs were cleared.