I'm Imperial_Marshal. What you should know about me is that I'm competitive in SG, even though I get beat to death 60% of the time. Kits: BufferPlus2 MakeItQuick Spy PerfectFit My favorite color is blue My top 10 favorite Players are 10. Matrix_Rep 9. Exilena 8. a18greek18 7.Delucaco 6. Joshcraft_Ftw 5.All Mod+ accept for 1 4. Raccooy 3. WhiteSoxFan 2.JamieSinn 1. Clarinet_Phoenix If I didn't pick you, thats because I barely know you
Hello Imperial, it is nice to meet you. I rarely SG but may become more active if they ever have a kit free game. I spend most of my time mining and building on my towns. Wishing you success!