So yesterday, my internet decided to start derping. Every 10-20 minutes the connection will loose internet access. It is still connected to the router, just no internet access. In order to be able to re-connect and have the 10-20 minutes of internet, I need to connect to a different router and re-connect back over to the first router. I have tried this different routers and it happens on all of them. I haven't installed any updates recently. Not sure what to do ._. Pls halp!
Does the connection bar show that the connection is with all five bars (MAX)? If so, disconnect from it, reconnect. If the internet works for a slight period of time you are probably being DDoS'd. Either that, or the company providing you internet is having data and info connection problems.
It's only my computer. (Forgot to mention that) and it has roughly 4-5 bars, but when I loose the connection, it drops to ~2.
make sure your network card's drivers are up to date. And if they are, re-install them. If that doesn't fix it, then a program, the operating system or malfunctioning hardware could be the problem.
My Internet did the same thing a while back. I called my ISP and they said it was because my modem was outdated. That could be the issue you're having.
Where do I find my network card's driver? Also, I hooked up my laptop to an ether net and it also stopped working after roughly 5 minutes. So I think it's an issue with my computer so yeah...
Now it drops every 1-2 minutes :/ Does anyone else have any ideas or...? Also, still don't know where to find the network driver ._.