Ages provided by Kukekuuk00 & Delucaco. Server Owner: Average age: 24 Server Admin: Average age: 22 Game Admins: Average age: 21 Developer Staff: Average age: 26 Super Moderators: Average age: 19 Moderators: Average age: 20 STAFF AVERAGE: 22 Hope this is informative, Shows you the average age group of the staff! **Disclaimer** This doesn't mean anything, it's meant to be informative, not as a standard, there are extremes of both high and low!
Remember that averages can skew the perceived total. For instance, if there were two 25 year olds and one 14 year old the average would be 21, even though none of them are 21. I do not think that the average age of the staff clearly represents the staff team ages as a whole. I believe that the oldest staff member is 33ish and the youngest is 15, so don't let these figures make you think that the whole staff is in their 20's. Furthermore, staff age does not matter as much as staff maturity, knowledge, and willingness to help.
Completely agree, this is for entertainment purposes, I know I said informative, but AGE DOES NOT MATTER!
Clou your 17 right? And ya I agree with this because someone could be 40 and someone is 20 then the average is 30 which isn't showing anything. But nicks good job in donator chat asking the mods their ages.
when I said "AGE DOES NOT MATTER!" I was speaking in a general term, towards the reader. In no way was I directing anything at Clou44, I was simply agreeing with her.
And imagine if we had someone who was 60yrs+ on the staff team that would definately skew the demographics
I thought most of staff was 21 or younger...? >_> And Glooble is..not even 20--..I thought I was a few months older or younger-- But yeah, although for entertainment purposes, this can..really throw people off. Mainly newbies. I'm pretty sure a third or so more of staff is younger than 17. xD'
:O Glooble is officially my idol! I am also 12. Seeing as how Glooble is 12 he's given me hope for my mod apps