Some of you might remember my old number threads. If you do that's awesome! If you don't that's fine too! I welcome you and hope you enjoy them. This is the thread I will use to post all my articles (For lack of a better name) about ECC involving the hopefully interesting statistics I find. I have a few planned out and one ready to post now. If I ever end up posting more I'll change the part of the title in ** to the name of the most current article. Without further introduction. How many MC days has ECC seen? (A few notes to start. I assume ECC has never been offline since opening to keep things simple. I also assume Minecraft years have 365 days in them and never have any leap years.) Amount of Minecraft days in a real life hour. 3 Amount of Minecraft days in a real life day. 72 Amount of real life days ECC has been up. 871 (March 3, 2011 - today) Amount of Minecraft days ECC has been up. 62,712 Amount of Minecraft years ECC has been up. 174.2 Amount of Minecraft months ECC has been up. 2,090.4 Amount of Minecraft Weeks ECC has been up. 9,058.4 Thought I would have a little fun and find out how old my avatar was on the server in Mineraft time. I am 105 years, 8 months, 27 days old. I made a little reference guide below so others can get a general idea of their avatar's age* on server. * All in Minecarft time of course. If you joined during or after July 1st, 2013. Your character is younger than 5 years of age. If you joined during or after May 1st, 2013. Your character is younger than 17 years of age. If you joined during or after Jan. 1st, 2013. Your character is younger than 40 years of age. If you joined during or after Dec. 1st, 2012. Your character is younger than 46 years of age. If you joined during or after July 1st, 2012. Your character is younger than 76 years of age. If you joined during or after Jan. 1st, 2012. Your character is younger than 112 years of age. If you joined during or after June 1st 2011. Your character is younger than 155 years of age. Just out of personal interest. I figured out when the server will celebrate its Minecraft time bicentennial and tricentennial, or when it will be old enough to have 200 and 300 mineraft years gone by. The server will be 200 Minecraft years old on the 9th of December, 2013. The server will be 300 Minecraft years old on the 30th of April, 2015. And that is it for now. I appreciate all feedback no matter if it's positive or negative and invite you to point out any of the mistakes I am sure I made. I do ask though that you realize this is not done to any academic standards and I took liberties that make these results more educated estimates than 100% true answers.
I joined in April 2011... I am really, really old. Well, then. No wonder I go so slow and get grumpy! And all the stories I have. And everything y'youngin's don't know!
We should celebrate Ike's 175th birthday And from what I can tell I'm aging nicely at about 50 years of age.