Minecraft Username: Expipiplusone Brief Description: interact flag set to deny doesn't correctly work in some specific cases, in particular: /cpublic iron door /cpublic iron trapdoor cake this is in contrast with the behaviour of /cpublic wooden door/trapdoor/gate (any wood) Instructions: in a region with the intaract flag set to deny, have some nonmenber try to interact with said blocks How many times did you recreate this bug?: many Result: the (trap)door can be toggled the cake can be eaten Expected Result: the (trap)door shouldn't change its state the cake should not be eaten
It's because iron doors aren't supposed to be opened with your hands, only with redstone. It's LWC that makes it so you can open them, so it would be weird if worldguard had support for that. Does the cake actually stay eaten after logging out and back in?
But their behaviour is still weird, more than ever when compared to that of their wooden counterpart. Hmm, this was not tested, but both players (me and the nonmember testing) saw it being sliced away, so I think it's rather unlikely that it could be restored just because someone (who?) logs out. As a reference (in case it might be needed), here is a list of all the blocks/entities I've had tested: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/what-the-interact-flag-does-and-what-doesnt.137520/
/cpublic wooden (trap)door and gate cannot be interacted with, so one would expect the same behaviour from the iron (trap)door. It would make sense if all (trap)doors and gates couldn't be interacted with. Hell, it would make sense even if all (trap)doors and gates could be interacted with. But why some yes and some no? That's what I mean.
Oh, here's something more I forgot to mention (sorry): Both the iron trapdoor and door could be toggled not only with the USE key, but even with a punch. This is really really weird.
It's the reason kuke mentioned - WorldGuard prevents vanilla means if interacting. Try to interact with an iron door/trapdoor in vanilla Minecraft - that is one of the rare cases where LWC overrides the WG setting. This is exactly it, it is an interaction with the LWC plugin which then toggles the door. The user itself is not toggling the door, thus it is not blocked.
That is because you literally can not open iron doors with your hands, left or right click, in vanilla minecraft. That is all done by LWC. That's why WorldGuard doesn't prevent it, because it's not a minecraft thing.
Now I see why it happens. But I still think the behaviour is weird and should be fixed. Could it be a pain to fix, as this involves multiple plugins?