Brotor: Creation of small industrial sectors: immense amounts of land are occupied by farms that are underused or completely unused the creation of industrial sectors in a smaller format allowing the use of auto harvesters and auto-farming techniques could be implemented with a fairly hefty startup fee and a regular industrial tax to keep them from completely breaking the economy, Rather than selling parcel space the industrial ranked players could then sell employment tasks with set rates and duties to assist new players in amassing their starting resident capitol. with a percentage going to the employee, the owner and the tax system to regulate the over abundance of capitol that could be generated.: Any Other Information:
No matter what 'alternatives' there may be, any type of autofarming (or anything auto, for that matter) will never happen. It causes too many issues. As for the rest of the suggestion, I am not sure I understand what you are trying to suggest. :/ If you are talking about adding things like taxes, jobs, economic systems, new town methods/systems, etc., it would be far too complicated to set up, and require a lot of plugins that we do not have/would need to have made for us/be sketchy and unsafe.
I like where you're going with this, making the server more economically realistic, but let's not forget that 90% of the server is under the age of 20 and would probably never be able to figure this out.
Fun fact: Lumping all the lag-inducing things in a pile actually makes their impact worse. The entire area would be impossible to go through.