There have been many suggestions for ways to increase the price of diamonds -- basically they all boil down to adding a diamond sink to the server; a way to get rid of the excess supply. Recently, one was added (selling diamonds to the server). My idea to add a diamond sink is: Add a diamond cost to all applications that cost EcoDollars. For example, Resident would now cost $15,000 EcoDollars and 15 diamonds (or whatever number seems appropriate), Mayor would now cost $85,000 EcoDollars and 85 diamonds, etc. Adjust the number of diamonds as you see fit. This could apply to Nether/Aether access and ranks, town portals, etc, etc.
I kinda have mixed feelings about this. I do agree that diamonds are way to low in price and need to be raised, but I don't think this is the way. If I was a builder I wouldn't want to pay 15k and "x" amount diamonds. I also like this idea, players could sell the diamonds for higher raising the price in diamonds, but also raising the price for resident, mayor, etc. I think this should only apply to people applying for Resident or Mayor+. I do not think builders would want to run around looking for diamonds to make sure they had enough. One other thing, is this even possible? I don't know if Andrew or WeWin can just take things out of inventory or chest. Plus this user might have a lot of chests, and to rummage through them would be kinda hard. Correct me if wrong.