techy88: For some reason the number displayed when using /climits isn't counting the proper number of locks. it is around 60 when it should be well over 200: N/A: Over 10 times: Well as I am still well under my limit no effect yet but the end result would be I would be able to go over my LWC limit N/A: Evidence: I could take SS of all my locked chests and signs if neccessary, but don't really think it will help in this case.
We recently did an LWC cleanup of very extremely old LWCs that didn't exist anymore (Meaning they were attached to absolutely nothing, air blocks, etc, happens on a server thats this old) - Perhaps this is why you are seeing a smaller amount of used locks.
I appreciate the response but I have personally counted the chests & signs I have locked(chances are I've even overlooked some)and they total well over the number my /climit displays. I likely could fix this by going through them one by one and relocking them, but I was hoping for a more simple solution. If this is the course of action I must take to resolve the error, I will. Honesty and fairness are my primary concern. Though I was inactive for several months. Could this have played a part in the LWC error?
When you do /cinfo on protections that are older, does your UUID display? If it does not it may not be counting towards your total.
After checking, no they do not. Just displays my username. Should relock all the chests missing the UUID then?
It would be wise to as if you change your name and haven't relocked the chests you would lose access to them.
Will do. Thank-you guys. Wouldn't want to get in trouble for it either. Perhaps this is something not just with me. It's possible it has happened to other users that either don't know or would like to pretend they don't know. And since name changes are fairly common or the server now perhaps the players should be notified of the possible issue? I'd be pretty mad if I didn't know and lost a ton of chests. I imagine it could be solved with lwc removals but that would take a lot of staff time that could otherwise be utilized elsewhere.
If the locks were removed before the UUID conversion (Meaning your userdata was cleared from the Essentials Files) then you would experience this issue. As nicit said, this is likely the only way to tell. Sadly, you likely won't be able to fix it without unlocking and re locking.
I am currently doing that, but my point was that I may not be the only person with this issue, I just happened to notice it. With all the people changing their names perhaps they should be notified before changing their names that they should make sure their lwcs have their UUID attached.