Minecraft Name: t_bone199205 Suggestion: Add this plugin to change user's IGN and Skin for just the server. Reason: It would be for the people who have inappropriate name and/or skins. Once they get a complaint or ban for their name/skin, they could simply request a name change, instead of having to buy a new minecraft account. Any Other Information: Not really, just thought it would be more convenient for both andrew and a player with an inappropriate name that is willing to change it. Link To This Plugin: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...-2-change-your-name-skin-and-more-1317.34773/ *Edit: Not to mention Andrew could temp change his name and spy on everyone.
All name-changing things have more cons than pros, and likely will never happen. :b It would have issues with permissions, user to user confusion, command issues (/pay, /tpa...), and probably funky visual things with informational messages (i.e., lottery as an example.)
ECC promotes privacy. We are not creeps and we are not allowed to spy on people. It's wrong, creepy, and bothers people. :b No one we have to spy on, either. "We" is Staff.. I'm used to being on Staff. I suppose "we" should be "the Staff." -flails-
could it be only used by andrew to change inappropriate names so people dont have to buy new acounts, not to be used by public!
what if if andrew could do it in rare circumstances so it would only apply to very few people, then the problem would very small. Then people with inappropriate names could play ecc,but the isnt many people appeled inappopriate names anyway.
It would still be a problem, andrew would have to check whether someone has a real name or not everytime he does an application for example.