Minecraft Name: Calevmir. Suggestion(s): Firstly, the "Ultra-lucky" and "Super-lucky" odds should be decreased from 1 in 250 and 1 in 500 to 1 in 200 and 1 in 400. Secondly, some sort of voting raffle or contest prize that is usually handed out at the end of every month should include a prize with horses, or that is horse related. Reasons: If the server really wants to ramp up it's voting amounts and get back on top of the leaderboards of various "server finding" websites, I think we should start appealing more to the players and making voting more "worth while". The server must currently keep in mind that horses, and everything associated with horses, is "hot" for the time being. Everyone wants horses. So, increase the chances of getting horses from voting, and knock down the daunting odds of 1 in 250/500 (even by a little to say 200). This, combined with the creation of a horse prize for the monthly voting contest, would most surely boost our awesome server's numbers. By creating new economies of horse-goods trading and increasing the server's "voting power", ECC will flourish better as a server and attract more people. Please give this message a "Thumbs Up" if you agree. Thank you.
This seems like a good suggestion, however I think once everyone gets a horse the server will simply move on. Therefore, I dont know for how long horses will stay "hot" before everyone gets tired of voting again.
They simply need to just add any mob eggs, I think maybe they could make a 1/50 chance of getting a peaceful mob egg (other than horse) and they can do whatever with it, keep it as pet, kill it, (no breeding though) and no butchers unless the server simply gets overwhelmed. They could code more peaceful mobs to not spawn naturally and only with eggs, though this is a "meh" suggestion because I doubt it would happen and it's a lucky vote, it's still better than the old voting with no lucky votes.
I can very well assume the server is already racking in more votes with horse eggs in voting alone. Also the fact of offline voting, that's the major thing. Horse's are already going to be a problem a long way down the road with overpopulation, I think they should stay where they are, horses are supposed to be rare, I'd prefer them to stay that way. Ah yes, that's the point. Horses wouldn't be rare, therefor less voting incentive. Once everyone has a horse, the only reason I'd vote is for netherstars, aka, not as much incentive.
I'm suggesting this be temporary. Horses would still be rare, but the odds of getting one from a vote wouldn't be so against a player. Why shouldn't we all be able to enjoy this update? This shouldn't be based on luck. I know we need to get our servers votes up and my idea offers a compromise.
If this suggestion were to be put into effect, horses value would go down from 40-50k to probably around 10-20k. I don't understand why you think it is a good idea for everyone to have horses. You also seem to be a bit conflicted between horses being "rare" and "everyone needs to have one as soon as possible".. If the latter were to be true then horses would not be "rare" the point of horses is to give users a voting insentive and for rich players to get horses. If everyone had a horse it would be stupid. I myself started voting everyday at 9am every morning and I know almost everyone else is to so I don't see how this would improve people's insentive a to vote. Also ecc is already at the top of most of the voting sites so this is a bit pointless. I see this suggestion not as a suggestion for insentives a for voters but as a suggestion for everyone to have a horse, which again would make horses not rare at all and would defeat the purpose of horses in the first place.. Sorry for shooting down your idea I mean this totally in a "just giving you my honest thoughts" sense.
We all do have access to this update. You just have to pay enormous amounts of money to enjoy it. If you don't want to do that then well... I don't know what to tell you
Not all of us have 50k floating around (i.e, me). I'm pumping cash into portals, towns, and materials lol.
I mean, I think the odds should stay at what they are at but, maybe like 3 people at the end of the month win a horse egg raffle and get a horse of something to that degree. That way, if you don't obtain a horse through voting, you can still get one by voting and winning the raffle.
To improve on this andrewkm I suggest that you can get other creates (i.e wolves) so that it slows down the population of just horses.
Horses and wolves on a technical level don't help much. They are both in the "mob" category, and more mobs is something that is needed to be kept down. More mobs = more lag. Horse or otherwise. And the fact that wolves are 100% useless for anything in the main world Well....perhaps pvp... At least you can ride horses.
Wolves and say cats? Andrew, thank you for your participation in this thread lol. Shows server dedication (not trying to kiss-up lol).