With the release of Skyrim, I've gotten fairly into the game. In the past two days I've spent 20-25 hours on it and have been having great fun. I won't be online for about a week or two, but may pop in from time to time. I think it's about time I take a little break. See you soon!
Lucky, my xbox doesnt get repaired until the end of the week or so, and I got my copies of skyrim and BF3 already waiting. Guess I'll just *mod edited* oblivion Also, there's a notched pickaxe in skryim
Just bought it aswell Got it on steam, so if your on steam I can still talk to you while playing :] I'll jump onto the server for 1-2 hours a day, so dont worry
Well, Mikey, I got it for Xbox. Skyrim doesn't work on Mac, although I could've used Bootcamp or something. Xbox is just easier for me to play it, along with Olivia. We take turns o3o