Well guys, this is my farewell letter. . . I would like to say thank you for those awesome 1 year and 8 days, I watched as ECC grew from its tiny portals, towards what we see today, going for a huge hub server. I would like to thank my friends for helping me, @StanleyMines introduced @awesomemax64, who introduced a game called Minecraft to me. @eyesee3 who gave me 200k and allowed me to open more doors for opportunities which i took and created the builder town "eyetopia". @slvrplme and @TimmyChoi for giving me a horse egg, when @ShanePvP hurt me. @Monchy93 a friend I could count on at all times, and as I could be for him. @kukelekuuk00 and @Videowiz92 for showing me the consequences of lotto after I lost 360k to them. @DevotedToChrist when he bought me resident, when I was a builder. Over the year I have made over 1 million, which I gladly gave away so that others could have opportunities as well. ECC is not as it once was, I remember the nice community where no one intentionally scammed each other, everyone always helped builders. And people said thanx to each other. I will give ECC 3 more days to change my mind. A giveaway of my possessions will follow if I leave.