ok so since ppl know my like is devastateing minecraft is all i got i really love ecc but sadly dont have time for it as my parents are veary strict so i really want resident and i need $$$ on ecc if u have some unwanted $$$ plz u dont have to but i u would thank you so much .... for LOANS
Go to your next door neighbor and ask him if he doesn't want the money in his wallet to give it to you... See what happens.
Lets see...I live in the middle of the woods, so my next door neighbor is more family. The other 2 we know. The nearest guy we've never talked to would be out on the main road, I just can't attempt that....
I was just stating the fact that nobody has money that they don't want, Your neighbor would of most likely closed the door on you if you asked him that to be honest. Unless he/she is a family member in that case he/she would ask why you need it then close the door on you.
If they were a family member, I wouldn't be that blunt XD *knock knock* "Coming!" *opens door* "Can I have some money?" "Excuse me?" "I said can I have some money?" "Um, no...go away." *closes door*