I seek to accomplish a mansion or a medieval town and i need features like fly/speed but i don't want to pay for them so i would get someone to pay for them and i would pay them the amount of 10k ecd to 1 usd and i would make the houses into plots i could give out to people to make the server a better place
This is honestly a very cool idea, but I don't see anyone simply giving you 2 million ECD for nothing. If you asked for smaller donations people would be much more likely(maybe offer something in return such as naming rights?), but even with that said your best bet is to simply grind it out. We are an economy server, and therefore it takes work to accomplish goals. Best of luck to you!
i am not just asking for 1 person to hand me 2 million dollars i am also expecting i am going to make most of the money
thanks for the money i have used it to get some good Armour and rank up and with the extra money i will make the project and i think people will be happy