Minecraft Username: Vinh_Kin Brief Description: Everytime I leave sg it says I killed myself and I gain $100 Instructions: Note: I don't know any previous insturctions, might work first time 1. I join a starting game 2. Leave the game when it starts. 3. The $100 appears in my balance. Result: You gain $100 every time you leave Expected Result: You should get $100 everytime you kill yourself. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 4 times/5 times Evidence: 1.http://www.imgbomb.com/i/?wG0of 2.http://www.imgbomb.com/i/?zdcgj Additional Infomation: The game has to start for this to happen.
Okay, I can confirm this happens. and I think I've fixed it. But the fix won't be implemented until andrewkm tests and updates.
Think your fix will also fix this bug but to be sure. you get $100 if your killed in hg also. like when joseph killed me in sg i got $100
kukelekuuk00 even when someone kills you, it registers your name and gives you. $100 So I benifeit from dying and killing in sg
I shot iceblue1188 with a MIQ bow and he gets a multi-kill by supposedly killing himself. I'm assuming since he got the multi-kill, he also received $100 with it, even though I shot him.
kukelekuuk00 This only happens when it is 1 hit/1 shot kill. Im not sure what happens with the strength pot insta kill.