i recently applied for resident and was granted it almost immediately and i have some questions on how to use or do some of the things i unlocked when i got the new rank. 1. what are LWCS and how do i use them i keep seeing that pop up and i need to know what they are 2. how do i use or make trade signs 3. how do i apply for a market and what does that entail 4. can i get a town yet 5. what are mcmmo parties 6. what are bounties and what do they do i apologize for my noobyness but i really like the server and i am in need of some clarification. i really want to progress but i need to know what this new rank can do. i would really appreciate if someone could answer my questions as soon as possible
You can type /lock and punch chests, furnaces, doors, etc. so that only you can use them Type /lwc for mor help. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/how-to-create-a-trade-sign-tutorial.93164/ http://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/in...e-Shop_Rental_Application_-_.245.2C000.2FWeek No, you get a town with mayor ($85k) http://mcmmo.wikia.com/wiki/Parties note that some features aren't enabled, like party tp and item share You can set them on player x, have someone accept the bounty, and whenever he is killed by someone who accepted the bounty, they get a reward. Mostly used for getting player's heads.